圖示 高琪鈞 職能治療師
康邁健康管理顧問股份有限公司 兼職顧問職能治療師
大心居家職能治療所 專任職能治療師
國民健康署 運動保健師資
國立陽明大學 睡眠醫學中心 聘任講師
中華睡眠關懷養生協會 睡眠關懷師
中華民國口腔肌功能學會 副秘書長
長照人員Level I、II、III
內政部役政署 傑出青年役男
H.I.T. for Asia 身心障礙黑克松 最佳營運模式獎
內政部勞工局百萬創客競賽 全國前15名
Journal article
Si-Huei Lee, Rai-Chi Chan, Chen-Liang Chou, Chi-Chun Kao, Hsin-Yu Chen, Chung-Tien Sui, Hung-Ta Wu, Yu-Chieh Lin, Kaoru AbeInvestigate (Received 30 Oct.2017;Accepted 15 Nov.2017 ) the Predictive Value of Independent Variables for Structural Leg length Discrepancy, The Journal of IVO Japan.
Chi-Chun Kao (2013, Aug). An occupational perspective to current activity in community. Taiwanese geronylgical forum, 19(5) p1-7
Biomedical engineering conference
Chi-Chun Kao, Yu-Chieh Lin, Lo-Ping Yu, and Si-Huei Lee (2018, Nov). Comparison Clinical Effect of Cluster and Original POWER Systems. 2018 CACS International Automatic Control Conference.
Lee Si-Huei, Chia-Chi Huang, Lo-Ping Yu, Chi-Chun Kao, Yu-Chieh Lin (2017,Nov). The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Functional Outcomes in the Elderly with Frailty Syndrome. 2017 CACS International Automatic Control Conference.
Si-Huei Lee, Chen-Hsin Lu, Chi-Chun Kao (2016, Nov). Evaluation of Therapeutic Effect of POWER Rehabilitation for the Elderly with Frailty Syndrome. 2016 International Automatic Control Conference.
Medical Conference
Chi-Chun Kao, Pei-Luen Tsai (2014,Oct). Memory process deficits in patients with traumatic brain injury: relation to functional performance. 33th TOTA Annual Meeting and International Conference.
Chi-Chun Kao, Pei-Luen Tsai (2014, July). Effects of listening to pleasant music on cognitive function in patients with traumatic brain injury. OTUROC ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014.
Chi-Chun Kao, Pei-Luen Tsai (2014, Jun). Listening to Pleasant Music Improve Visual Attention in a Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury A Case Report. The 16th International Congress of the world Federation of Occupational therapy. Yokohama, Japan.
C.-C. Kao, P.-L. Tsai, I.-C. Chen (2013, Jun). Everyday memory in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 4th World Congress on ADHD. From Childhood to Adult Disease. Milan, Italy
Chi-Chun Kao,YiI-Chen Chen, Pei-Luen Tsai (2012,Nov) The effects of white noise on working memory and everyday memory for children with ADHD. 31th TOTA Annual Meeting and International Conference